Sunday 28 October 2012

I'll bring You more than a song

A few years ago, some one challenged me when they asked me a rather unexpected question. He asked, "What is the song in your heart?" He further went on to explain this rather interesting question. He said that everyone needs to have a song of the Lord playing in their heart continually.

Have you ever noticed that one of the first signs that someone is in love is when they sing love songs, whistle, tap their feet or hum to themselves without a care in the world, this action is usually accompanied by a massive grin on their face.

Well the same happens when you have been enveloped with the unconditional, overwhelming love of Jesus Christ. It leaves you speechless because very few words can be used to describe its magnitude. There is a song of worship that springs up in your heart, sometimes it lasts the whole day, sometimes the whole week. This kind of song may not always be in tune; musical notes might not be at their proper intervals. The song may be an existing worship song, it may be a song you've never heard, it might not even have words, just a continuous melody of worship, but when we are drenched in a lifestyle of worship it reaches God as a sweet smelling savor. This touches the heart of God because after all it is the very reason he created us. The devil hates a worshiping Christian, who lives a life of salvation.

God wants to love and embrace you, this happens when we worship Him. I direct that question that I was asked a few years ago back to you, "What is the song in your heart." Make sure that you have a song of worship in your heart. Never lose your song. Let it draw you closer to your lover, let it take you through stormy seasons, let it bring comfort, let it bring you joy, let it bring you deliverance, let it usher you into the very presence of God. Even when you don't feel like it, press on in worship. Don’t let anything or anyone steal your song. We sing because He alone deserves it.

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